Our tutor, Zoe, has been running fortnightly music appreciation sessions with our teenage participants. Each session the crew focuses on something different, from t-shirt tie-dyeing, designing metal band logos, karaoke singing, a dance party, make-up session, and lyric-writing.


Between all those exciting activities we listen to a range of various metal, punk, rock and alternative music.


These sessions have built connections between our regular and new participants, and expanded our music tastes.

Our crew also had the opprotunity to travel to Adelaide for the very special teen event AGSA Neo! 

Held six times a year, Neo is a free after-hours event for young people aged 13-17 years. Programmed by the Neo Ambassadors, Neo is a parent-free zone where young people can kick back and hang out with friends, jump into creative labs, tune into live music and explore the latest exhibitions at AGSA. Since its beginning in 2016, Neo has welcomed over 13,000 teens to AGSA. 

Across its annual program, Neo hosts two large-scale ‘Teen Takeover’ events which take place across the whole gallery, in addition to focused events which activate the latest temporary exhibition and collection spaces. 

The perfect place for our young cohort!

Here are some highlights from the team:

  • Teens never stop surprising me (Zoe) with their broad music tastes; Ace asked to play 1985 song “WALK LIKE AN EGYPTIAN” in the van.
  • Tyler practicing in the cabin preparing for his performance that night; playing the song “Creep” by Radiohead on his guitar while Lillie sang.
  • Tyler doing his first paid gig
  • Sam’s mums apple slice!!
  • Violet Harlot!
  • Making friends with Adelaide young people


The Alternative Club has been a wonderful program for our teens to express themselves, listen to their favourite music loudly, connect, share music and create freely. Zoe has done a wonderful job in holding this space for them.


This event was made possible thanks to FRRR!

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